Volume 1, Issue 2, 2024

Examining the mediating role of teachers’ self-efficacy on realistic mathematics education: A structural equation modeling approach
Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e107, https://doi.org/10.71176/edup/15020
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to examine how teachers’ self-efficacy mediates the relationship between realistic mathematics education and learners’ mathematics achievement, which involved 396 junior high school math teachers and a sample of 7621 students. The study employed a quantitative approach with a correlational cross-sectional descriptive survey design. The questionnaires were developed with consideration for the three main constructs that the study identified. The structural equation model was used to analyze the questionnaires. The findings demonstrated that the application of realistic mathematics teaching methods directly improves students’ mathematical achievement. Once more, students’ achievement in mathematics is directly positively impacted by teachers’ self-efficacy. Ultimately, there was a positive and statistically significant mediation effect of teacher self-efficacy on the relationship between learners’ mathematical achievement results and realistic mathematics education.
Online synchronous learning through video conferencing: Perceptions and challenges of pre-service teachers
Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e108, https://doi.org/10.71176/edup/15021
ABSTRACT: This research aimed to examine the extent to which pre-service teachers utilize video conferencing applications for learning purposes. It further sought to find the most used applications for video conferencing and the challenges that pre-service teachers are confronted with in the use of video conferencing for lectures. A multi-stage sampling method was employed to choose 340 participants for this research. A questionnaire and interview guide facilitated the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data for the study. The quantitative data was analyzed using frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA, while the qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis with narrative discussion. The study found that most pre-service teachers mostly used the Zoom app for live video conferencing. However, the lack of internet data bundles remained the major challenge for students when they engaged in online video conferencing. Furthermore, the study revealed no significant difference in the readiness for online synchronous video conferencing lectures with respect to gender, age, and program of study. The study recommended the creation of academic online communities for every semester course and the institution of a minimum number of hours of online video conferencing for every semester course to promote blended learning in colleges of education. In light of the findings, practitioners do not require additional eLearning expertise and separate tools to implement online synchronous video conferencing lectures based on these demographic variables.
Implementing continuous assessment learning activities in Zimbabwean education system 5.0: An assessment of driving factors
Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e109, https://doi.org/10.71176/edup/15661
ABSTRACT: The paper explores the factors, observable and non-observable, influential in implementation of continuous assessment learning activities strategy in Zimbabwean education system 5.0. This is an activity-based assessment of learners and was reviewed since its inception. Most qualitative researched found the barriers to implementation of continuous assessment learning activities like resources, preparedness of schools and skill but not the relationship and intensity of the influence. A stratified random sampling method was applied in Zimbabwean education institutions that involved educators, parents and learners from primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. Structural equation modelling was conducted to assess the relationship between continuous assessment learning activities implementation and other latent variables. Prior to structural equation modelling, exploratory factor analysis was done. The results obtained from this statistical evaluation indicated that teacher motivation, parental support and child performance were positively related to continuous assessment learning activities implementation. Child performance had a mediation effect in that the relationship of teacher motivation and parental support increased when child performance was included. Respective influence of teacher motivation and parental support were 0.152 and 0.220. Inclusion of child performance increase influence to 0.493, a more than 100% increase in each case. The study therefore recommends a holistic approach to continuous assessment learning activities implementation but with more emphasis on improving child performance.
Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy
Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e110, https://doi.org/10.71176/edup/15662
ABSTRACT: This study examines the influence of Socio-Constructivist Mathematics Teaching on students’ mathematics achievement with mathematics self-efficacy serving as a mediating factor. This study employed a quantitative research approach within a descriptive survey design framework utilizing the stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Data from 260 students in a Senior High School in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region of Ghana were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results indicated that Socio-Constructivist Mathematics Teaching significantly enhanced both mathematics achievement and self-efficacy. Additionally, mathematics self-efficacy positively impacted students’ achievement and mediated the relationship between teaching methods and academic performance. This suggests that the instructional approach directly improves achievement, and its effect is further strengthened when students feel confident in their mathematical capabilities. The study highlights the importance of integrating socio-constructivist pedagogy to foster both academic success and self-confidence in mathematics.
Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective
Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e111, https://doi.org/10.71176/edup/15730
ABSTRACT: This study evaluates the adoption of Moodle learning management system (LMS) for emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 era by colleges of education (CoE) teachers in Ghana. The research highlights the level of experience of CoE teachers in their use of e-learning applications as well as the factors that influence their acceptance of Moodle LMS within the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology framework. Three research questions guided the study: 1. What is the level of experience of CoE teachers in the use of e-learning applications? 2. What is the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence of teachers on their behavioral intention to use Moodle LMS? 3. What is the influence of Facilitating Conditions, Service Quality, and Behavioral Intentions on teachers’ Use Behavior of Moodle LMS? The study used a descriptive cross-sectional survey approach to assess the experiences of CoE teachers in their use of e-learning applications as well as their behavioral intentions, and actual usage behaviors concerning Moodle. The quantitative approach was used to collect and analyze data. The findings reveal that social influence played the most crucial role in shaping educators’ behavioral intentions towards using Moodle, while performance expectancy and effort expectancy have a lesser impact. The study highlights the need to prioritize the service quality of learning management systems in CoEs. This can include routine system updates, intuitive user interfaces, and effective technical support to provide a smooth experience for educators. Recommendations are provided to enhance the adoption and utilization of Moodle, emphasizing the need for targeted professional development and improved infrastructural support. Implications of the results for understanding Moodle LMS adoption in emergency remote teaching contexts are discussed.