Call for Papers
Educational Point
ISSN: 3062-1011
DOI Prefix: 10.71176/edup
Educational Point aims to publish high-quality articles that contribute to educational research.
Educational Point aims to be a leading platform for publishing new contributions and findings to promote practical and theoretical aspects of educational research.
The journal covers the following topics:
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Biology Education
- Chemistry Education
- Comparative Education
- Digital Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Educational Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Technologies
- Engineering Education
- Environmental Education
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Foreign Language Education
- Geography Education
- Gifted Education
- Health Education
- Higher Education
- Language Education
- Leadership in Education
- Mathematics Education
- Medical Education
- Physics Education
- Science Education
- Social Science Education
- Special Education
- STEM Education
- STEAM Education
- Teacher Education
Editorial Board
A list of the editors and members of the editorial board can be found at
Published Issues
Published articles and issues are available at
Author Guidelines
The journal follows APA Style 7 instructions for submissions. More details can be found in the journal's submission guidelines.
The journal does not charge any fee from authors for submitted and accepted papers.
The authors should submit their papers using the journal's manuscript submission system at
For any other inquiries and questions, please get in touch with us at