Applications To Review

We are accepting applications for researchers interested in joining our community of peer reviewers at Educational Point. To become a reviewer, please send an email to Our section editors will choose reviewers for each manuscript individually. 

Conflicts Of Interest

When reviewers should decline to evaluate a paper:  

  • Have a current or recent publication or submission with one of the authors.
  • Collaborate or have collaborated recently with an author
  • Maintain a close relationship with an author
  • Need help maintaining objectivity regarding the paper’s topic.
  • In the “Confidential” section of the review form, reviewers must disclose any remaining interests, which the Editorial Board will consider.

In addition, reviewers must indicate whether or not they have discussed the manuscript with the authors. The reviewers are encouraged to discuss any conflicts of interest the authors declare. If the reviewers have concerns that the authors have yet to disclose all of their financial, institutional, commercial, personal, ideological, or academic interests, they should include this in their report.


Manuscripts undergoing peer review must be kept confidential. Reviewers are prohibited from sharing the manuscript’s content with anyone outside the peer review process. However, they can discuss it with colleagues in their research group, provided they maintain confidentiality. Reviewers must inform the editor in charge of the manuscript and include their colleagues’ names in their report’s “Notes to Editor” section.