Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective

Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e111
Publication date: Dec 19, 2024


This study evaluates the adoption of Moodle learning management system (LMS) for emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 era by colleges of education (CoE) teachers in Ghana. The research highlights the level of experience of CoE teachers in their use of e-learning applications as well as the factors that influence their acceptance of Moodle LMS within the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology framework. Three research questions guided the study: 1. What is the level of experience of CoE teachers in the use of e-learning applications? 2. What is the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence of teachers on their behavioral intention to use Moodle LMS? 3. What is the influence of Facilitating Conditions, Service Quality, and Behavioral Intentions on teachers’ Use Behavior of Moodle LMS? The study used a descriptive cross-sectional survey approach to assess the experiences of CoE teachers in their use of e-learning applications as well as their behavioral intentions, and actual usage behaviors concerning Moodle. The quantitative approach was used to collect and analyze data. The findings reveal that social influence played the most crucial role in shaping educators’ behavioral intentions towards using Moodle, while performance expectancy and effort expectancy have a lesser impact. The study highlights the need to prioritize the service quality of learning management systems in CoEs. This can include routine system updates, intuitive user interfaces, and effective technical support to provide a smooth experience for educators. Recommendations are provided to enhance the adoption and utilization of Moodle, emphasizing the need for targeted professional development and improved infrastructural support. Implications of the results for understanding Moodle LMS adoption in emergency remote teaching contexts are discussed.


Moodle LMS e-learning emergency remote teaching UTAUT model colleges of education educators


Korsah, D. P. (2024). Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective. Educational Point, 1(2), e111.
Korsah, D. P. (2024). Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective. Educational Point, 1(2), e111.
Korsah DP. Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective. Educational Point. 2024;1(2):e111.
Korsah DP. Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective. Educational Point. 2024;1(2), e111.
Korsah, Daniel Paa. "Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective". Educational Point 2024 1 no. 2 (2024): e111.
Korsah, Daniel Paa "Adoption and utilization of Moodle learning management system for emergency remote teaching: A UTAUT perspective". Educational Point, vol. 1, no. 2, 2024, e111.


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