Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy

Educational Point, 1(2), 2024, e110,
Publication date: Nov 28, 2024


This study examines the influence of Socio-Constructivist Mathematics Teaching on students’ mathematics achievement with mathematics self-efficacy serving as a mediating factor. This study employed a quantitative research approach within a descriptive survey design framework utilizing the stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Data from 260 students in a Senior High School in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region of Ghana were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results indicated that Socio-Constructivist Mathematics Teaching significantly enhanced both mathematics achievement and self-efficacy. Additionally, mathematics self-efficacy positively impacted students’ achievement and mediated the relationship between teaching methods and academic performance. This suggests that the instructional approach directly improves achievement, and its effect is further strengthened when students feel confident in their mathematical capabilities. The study highlights the importance of integrating socio-constructivist pedagogy to foster both academic success and self-confidence in mathematics.


socio-constructivist teaching mathematics achievement self-efficacy mediation structural equation modeling (SEM)


Akendita, P. A., Obeng, B. A., Abil, M., & Ahenkorah, M. (2024). Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy. Educational Point, 1(2), e110.
Akendita, P. A., Obeng, B. A., Abil, M., and Ahenkorah, M. (2024). Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy. Educational Point, 1(2), e110.
Akendita PA, Obeng BA, Abil M, Ahenkorah M. Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy. Educational Point. 2024;1(2):e110.
Akendita PA, Obeng BA, Abil M, Ahenkorah M. Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy. Educational Point. 2024;1(2), e110.
Akendita, Paul Agmabire, Benjamin Adu Obeng, Maccarthy Abil, and Marfo Ahenkorah. "Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy". Educational Point 2024 1 no. 2 (2024): e110.
Akendita, Paul Agmabire et al. "Investigating the effect of socio-constructivist mathematics teaching on students’ mathematics achievement: The mediating role of mathematics self-efficacy". Educational Point, vol. 1, no. 2, 2024, e110.


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