Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis
Educational Point, 1(1), 2024, e104
Publication date: Jul 24, 2024
The paper highlighted the nexus between various research paradigms vis-a-viz mathematics education. Research in education entails basing the process on three fundamental philosophical traditions – epistemology, ontology, and methodology. The trio formed the core of the paradigm likely to be employed to explain the research problem – in which case, mathematics education research problems. Thus, the paper argues that employing a research paradigm in mathematics education research has far-reaching effect in giving an expository analysis of the problem. The research paradigms that were discussed in this paper comprised of positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism and critical theory. In the end, the paper suggested that, in mathematics education, applying a given research paradigm in explaining a particular research problem is imperative, and can help in viewing the problem from philosophical perspective.
Tsafe, A. K. (2024). Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis. Educational Point, 1(1), e104.
Tsafe, A. K. (2024). Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis. Educational Point, 1(1), e104.
Tsafe AK. Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis. Educational Point. 2024;1(1):e104.
Tsafe AK. Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis. Educational Point. 2024;1(1), e104.
Tsafe, A. K.. "Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis". Educational Point 2024 1 no. 1 (2024): e104.
Tsafe, A. K. "Nexus between research paradigm and mathematics education: An expository analysis". Educational Point, vol. 1, no. 1, 2024, e104.
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